Episode 70
Three Podcast Newsletters to Help You Be a Better Podcaster
The goal of One Minute Podcast Tips is to help you be a better podcaster, and hopefully that's the case with each episode.
However, there are also some other great resources for this, including podcast newsletters, and here are my top three recommendations for newsletters that help you be a better podcaster.
Additional reading and listening:
- Podnews Weekly Review - Podcast
- Learn Podcasting: Blogs, Resources & Education from Captivate
- The Weekly Tweak, from Ashley Hamer
- Podnews podcasting news
Products I Use for One Minute Podcast Tips
Note: these contain affiliate links, so I may get a small percentage of any product you buy/use when using my link.
My equipment:
- Shure SM7B dynamic mic
- TZ Audio Stellar X2 condenser mic
- Rodecaster Pro II audio production studio
- Sony MDR-7506 Studio Monitor Headphones
- JOBY Wavo Boom Arm
- Elgato Wave Mic Arm Low Profile
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(upbeat music)
Speaker:I'm Danny Brown,
Speaker:and you're listening to One Minute Podcast Tips,
Speaker:the show that helps you be a better podcaster
Speaker:in just a minute a week.
Speaker:If you want more specific tips just for you in your podcast,
Speaker:check out the Magic Mic membership
Speaker:at oneminutepodcasttips.com/support.
Speaker:And now, this week's episode.
Speaker:With One Minute Podcast Tips,
Speaker:my goal is to help you be a better podcaster,
Speaker:and hopefully that's been the case with each episode.
Speaker:However, there's also a lot of other great resources,
Speaker:including podcasting newsletters.
Speaker:And in this episode,
Speaker:I want to share three of the best newsletters
Speaker:that kind of complement One Minute Podcast Tips
Speaker:in helping you be a better podcaster.
Speaker:The first one is Podnews from James Cridland.
Speaker:This is a daily newsletter
Speaker:that talks about podcasting news, trends, tools, and more.
Speaker:It's a really good resource for keeping tabs
Speaker:on what's happening in the industry,
Speaker:because obviously that will affect you and your podcast.
Speaker:The second one is The Weekly Tweak from Ashley Hamer.
Speaker:Ashley's an awesome creator and this is shown by her newsletter.
Speaker:It gives you a weekly tip on improving your podcast.
Speaker:So that can be writing better scripts, how to use music properly,
Speaker:how to get more listener interaction and more.
Speaker:The third newsletter is from Captivate.
Speaker:Now, full disclaimer, I am the Head of Podcaster Support and Experience at Captivate,
Speaker:but I'd recommend this anyway for any podcaster.
Speaker:It offers deep dives on podcast design, recording, marketing, monetization and a lot more.
Speaker:And also includes a YouTube channel with really helpful resources there.
Speaker:Now, I've linked to all three newsletters in the show notes,
Speaker:so be sure to check them out
Speaker:after you listen to the episode.
Speaker:And I hope you enjoy these newsletters as much as I do.
Speaker:Until the next time, happy podcasting.
Speaker:(upbeat music)
Speaker:Thanks for listening.
Speaker:If you enjoy One Minute Podcast tips,
Speaker:be sure to share with your friends and other podcasters
Speaker:so they can enjoy it too.
Speaker:Until the next time, happy podcasting.
Speaker:(upbeat music)